On August 19 at 8:26 PM, a very special Full Moon will rise in the sky—it’s the first Supermoon of 2024 and also a seasonal Blue Moon. This Moon occurs in Aquarius, a sign associated with inner revolutions, breaking patterns, and stepping out of comfort zones. You might feel unstable or overwhelmed by reality, but instead of resisting, embrace this phase with courage, creativity, and trust. Aquarius, the most visionary and rebellious sign of the zodiac, encourages you to push beyond your limits and conceive new realities, letting go of everything that has reinforced your old patterns.

Another very important aspect to consider is that this Moon is in a “T-square” with Uranus and the Sun. Uranus amplifies the Moon’s disruptive energy, leading to unexpected situations and a reversal of circumstances, both individually and collectively. The Aquarius Moon opposes the Leo Sun, and with both being fixed signs, we find ourselves in the midst of a strong energetic tension that could explode at any moment. Try to stay calm and avoid impulsive reactions, as there’s a high risk of a boomerang effect.

Other names for this Moon include:

  • Harvest Moon (Chinese)
  • Dispute Moon (Celtic)
  • Herb Moon (Wiccan)
  • Fruit Moon (Cherokee)
  • Snow Moon, Storm Moon, Hunger Moon, Wolf Moon (Southern Hemisphere)

Initiation, manifestation, and very intense transformation moon occurring in the sign of Leo—a sign anatomically connected to the heart and the circulatory system—and in conjunction with the ‘Lion’s Gate’ (alignment of the Sun, Sirius, the Belt of Orion, and Earth) which will reach its peak on 8.8.2024 (888 in numerology), marking a crucial turning point that inaugurates a new year of resolutions and goals. It is the perfect time to harness the fire energy to work with our Spirit and to tune into our true desires, what inspires us, and what truly makes us happy. You can use various rituals to manifest your intentions and desires (you will find a dedicated section on my website starting tomorrow, August 4). As I mentioned earlier, we are in conjunction with the ‘Lion’s Gate’: the Sun aligned with Sirius (the brightest star in the sky, also known as the ‘Spiritual Sun’), the Belt of Orion, and Earth. The peak will be on 8.8.2024, which is 888 in numerology.

Additionally, we find Mars and Jupiter in a beneficial aspect (sextile), ruling respectively Aries and Sagittarius, so these will literally be days filled with fire energy. Fire is the element of the Spirit; it is what burns within us.

For those who are very passionate about esotericism, I also mention that August 4 marks the beginning of the ‘Atlantean Calendar’ and that we are currently in the midst of the so-called ‘days out of time,’ a concept also expressed by the Mayan Calendar.

The ancient Egyptians associated Sirius with the deity Sopdet/Sopedet: with the rising of the star, the Nile would begin to overflow, nourishing and fertilizing the surrounding lands. From an ‘analogical’ perspective, we are therefore in a period of abundance and richness on multiple levels, all supported by beneficial planetary alignments.